Booking a net - Teddington CC MEMBERS ONLY

As a member of the club, one of the many benefits is the ability to use our nets free of charge.  You are able to book one hour slots in lanes 2,3 and 4 from Monday-Sunday at the available times.   

To book your net simply visit the online booking system,  New Booking | TCCnetbooking (appointlet.com) pick an available slot and fill out your details. You will receive an email confirmation and you are then all booked in.

Should circumstances change and you are no longer able to make your booking we ask that you cancel via the option on your email confirmation asap so that the time can be used by one of your fellow members.

nets policy - IMPORTANT

Kit & Equipment Rules

  1. No kit bags on the artificial playing surface, or within the hitting direction of practice.

  2. Wear suitable footwear i.e. rubber-soled (non-marking) cricket shoes or trainers. NO Spikes, NO heels, NO smooth soles, NO street shoes.

  3. Batters working with a hard ball must wear adequate protection, helmet, box, pads etc.

  4. All Under 18’s must bat in a helmet.

  5. Only proper leather cricket balls or bowling machine balls to be used in nets. Tennis balls or purpose made “incrediballs” may be used in appropriate circumstances.

  6. No footballs, rugby balls etc to be used in the nets.

  7. No food or drink to be consumed in the net facility.

  8. No leaning on or pulling at the nets.

  9. No rubbish of any kind to be left in the net facility.

Net Safety Rules

  1. No spectators are to be in the nets.

  2. Batters should pad up outside the net area.

  3. Bowlers should only bowl when the batter is ready and should face the batter at all times. They should not bowl if a loose ball is in the net.

  4. A loud cry of “STOP” should stop activity in all nets immediately to address any safety problem.

  5. Balls should be returned immediately by the batsman and not left to lie loose in the net.

  6. Balls must be retrieved from the side netting by the Safe Method. The Safe Method is:

    1. Check no one is bowling in the net next to you.

    2. Once safe remove the ball from the net with your foot.

    3. When the ball is away from the net pick the ball up.

    4. Walk back to the back of the net keeping your eyes on the net at all times.

  7. Bowling must be in accordance with the laws of cricket — from legal distance, legal action, no deliberate excess of short bowling.

  8. Training in the play of short bowling must be coach supervised.

  9. Bowling machines: These should only be used by those qualified and/or authorised to do so during arranged practice session.

Nets used by members outside normal practice sessions

Anyone wishing to use the nets MUST be a current Teddington Cricket Club member.

  1. The club will not accept responsibility for unaccompanied children using the nets facility.

  2. Members under the age of 18 using the net facility are the responsibility of their parents/guardians/carers.

  3. People using the nets without the supervision of a qualified coach do so AT THEIR OWN RISK.

  4. The use of helmets and other protective wear is essential when using a hard ball.

  5. The nets must be left in the condition they were found with stumps left in appropriate position and any rubbish removed.

    Nets used for ARRANGED practice sessions

For the safety of our youth members (those under the age of 18) the following procedures are in place.

  1. The sessions MUST be conducted under the supervision of an ECB qualified coach.

  2. When batting facing a hard ball the proper protective items, including helmet MUST be worn.

  3. Before practice commences coaches MUST check the cage and netting to ensure a safe environment.

  4. Any equipment including kit bags is to be stored away from the nets.

  5. All players using the net practice must behave in a proper and correct manner.

  6. After each practice session the equipment MUST be stored away properly.

Those ignoring the nets rules can be asked to leave the net facility and have future bookings cancelled