The Teddington Cricket Club is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, in the locality. Unfortunately, as with so many other old institutions, records of its early days were not considered to be of much value at the time and were not preserved with the care the present generation of members would have wished

The beginnings of the Club are shrouded in mystery and it seems to have had several false starts. Frankly we do not know when it was founded, but we do know that it is old. Tradition had it that it dated from 1833, but recently it has been discovered that a match was played against Hampton Court in August 1827 and the Club is probably a year or two older. So the 150th anniversary has come and gone without the members being aware of it.

This little book is a history of the Club, its sponsors, prominent members and players. It has been prepared from such of the Club's records as still exist including the Minute Book dating from 1863, and from local and national press reports and histories of the locality. It has involved researches in the Map Room and the Newspaper Library of the British Museum and in the Public Libraries at Kingston, Twickenham and Richmond.

There are four separate periods in the Club's History:

  1. from the beginning to 1863

  2. from 1863 to the outbreak of the 1914-18 war

  3. from 1920 to the outbreak of the 1939-1945 war

  4. from 1945 to the present day (1982)

[Editor's Note: The Club History to 1982 was researched and compiled by Josh Tyler and David Strang, and produced in 1985 with the assistance of Meeson Makinson, Chartered Accountants, sponsors of the Club that year. It was transcribed for the website in 2012 by Frank Kemp.]